Whats even funnier than the hilarious comments is that some of those people are serious... they actually think I'm wearing a wig and my hair is fake or that I color it because I'm actually grey and I must be trying to hide something and other silly conspiracy theories. Ok, let me set the record straight. Here is what is actually under my bangs, lol. If you want to learn more about how to actually have healthy hair... or have hair at all... watch this and some of my other videos on the subject. I also have a hair ebook at www.MarkusEbooks.com and the collagen kit is of course at www.collagenkit.com Why my hair and nails grows too fast https://youtu.be/-t1KMMxYCy4 Cara doing own hair color https://youtu.be/GjMepGutQgM natural hair and makeup https://youtu.be/ri_-NpquzSw Long Hair Secrets of People Living in the Tropics https://youtu.be/MK2ZBcOMt-Q Our Raw Vegan Health Cookbook: http://www.markusworld.com/healthycookbook/realhair Facebook: http://www.markusworld.com/facebook/realhair Instagram: http://www.markusworld.com/instagram/realhair Markus Rothkranz website: http://www.markusworld.com/Markus/realhair Online Health Store: http://www.markusworld.com/products/realhair German website: http://www.markusworld.com/german/realhair Our health channel is full of fun, educational videos http://www.thehealthylife.com Check out our raw vegan cookbook https//www.healthycookbook.com Our life-changing health products https//www.markusproducts.com Cara's Instagram https//www.instagram.com/iamcarabrotman Markus and Cara's Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/markusandcara Best herbal vitamin C in the world- http://www.markusvitaminc.com Heal Yourself 101 book- http://www.healyourself101.com The ebook version is a free download if you don't want the paperback the Photography Channel MarkusPix on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/markuspix